TENNBEAT is an independent, online news outlet based in Nashville, Tennessee. 

On our site, you’ll find in-depth, local articles on business, technology, real estate and local government you won’t find anywhere else.

We’re committed to telling the untold and shining light on the stories mainstream media misses — like Java Hemmat, a Nashville immigrant who persevered against all odds and now has her hummus on the shelves of Whole Foods and 300 big box retailers, and stories like Dustin Bowen, the MTSU college dropout turned cowboy boot designer, whose kicks are sported by celebrities like Post Malone and the Jonas Brothers.

❎ No paywall, no ads, no sponsored content:

There is no paywall for TENNBEAT. That’s because we believe information should be free. We don’t do digital ads either — they’re distracting, and we wouldn’t dare soil our coverage with sponsored content a.k.a “pay for play” articles.

💵How we’re funded:

So how do we operate? Like NPR, Daily Memphian and Tennessee Lookout, TENNBEAT is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization. Our journalists are 100% supported by contributions of individuals (like you) and businesses. These contributions are tax deductible. 

🔍Financial transparency:

If an individual or business contributes $5,000 or more (annually) and is the subject and/or quoted in an article, we disclose this at the bottom of the story.

🩷Here’s how you support us:

💵Contribute: The more contributions we receive, the more stories we can cover. Whether you can afford to give one time or multiple times (set-up a recurring contributions), every dollar makes a difference.

💵 Contribute

➡️ Follow us on social media: Don’t miss a BEAT. Follow us on LinkedIn, Instagram and Twitter. We share more than just our articles. We break down complex issues with infographics and exclusive photos from our award winning photographer John Partipilo.




📣Share our articles: Help amplify these stories. Share our articles on social media or forward our email blasts to your friends. More eyeballs = More impact

💡Submit a story idea: Stories are everywhere. You’ve probably seen or know a few. Email our founder and chief contributor Kathryn Rickmeyer with your article ideas.✉️kathrynrickmeyer@gmail.com

Behind the beagle (our logo):

TENNBEAT isn’t a traditional news outlet. We do things differently. This includes our logo.

Meet Polly the News Hound. She hunts down headlines and sniffs out stories others can’t. She has a nose that knows. 

Polly isn’t imaginary. She is real and resilient.

[🎬Polly’s Persistence]

Two years ago, I almost gave up writing. I was broken. Polly reminded me to persist. Whether we’re on the porch on the record, Polly nor I take no for an answer.

We always howl the truth.

❓Who is behind TENNBEAT?

Some people call her Kathryn others call her the “headline hunter” because if there is a story, she’ll break it. She has broken stories on everything from meth fueled attack squirrels to new Amtrak lines.

Rickmeyer got her start in the news industry as a television news producer for an NBC affiliate in Huntsville, Alabama. After moving to Nashville, she quickly made a name for herself as a reporter for the Nashville Post and Nashville Scene. Her articles have been cited in The Guardian, NBC, CoinDesk and other national and international news outlets.

💡Have a story idea?

To submit a story idea email: kathrynrickmeyer@gmail.com or call (256)-763-1222

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TENNBEAT is an online news outlet based in Nashville, Tennessee. Here you will find “news you can use” to make informed decisions and opinions on business, government and everything in between.


Nashville-based journalist covering technology, real estate and politics in Tennessee